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Faculty presentation

Les départements à la faculté ALLSH


Lionel DANY, Doyen de la Faculté ALLSH

Dear students,

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you all to our Faculty of Arts, Letters, Languages and Humanities.

A new academic year at the University is not quite like any other!

You're about to discover a new working and learning environment, but also a place where knowledge is transmitted and produced in an unparalleled wealth and diversity.

Our Faculty is open to the world, and we're offering you a part of it too. We are, in fact, a World Faculty, welcoming several thousand students of all nationalities to our community every year, and several hundred of our students are ambassadors for our faculty as part of their international mobility.

Our Faculty is also a place where we welcome the differences and diversities inherent in the people who make up our community. This tradition of welcoming also applies to the disciplines taught in our Bachelor's, Master's and PhD programs, as well as to the knowledge produced in our research units, for which our University is renowned.

You will be offered a wide range of opportunities to get involved in the fields of culture, sport, knowledge enhancement, student involvement, creativity and entrepreneurship. Don't hesitate to get involved in these areas, which are all opportunities to diversify and strengthen your academic and personal training.

University can give you the opportunity to meet other people, but also - and this is essential - to meet yourself. In many ways, knowledge is the very foundation of this encounter with oneself.

Studying at university is as much an end in itself as it is a path; it is as much a means as it is a personal experience.

I wish you all a wonderful academic year.

Prof. Lionel Dany

Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Letters, Languages and Humanities

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administrative and technical staff




geographical locations

Champ 1

Faculty management

Champ 1


Champ 1

The laboratories

Champ 1

Geographical locations


  • A multidisciplinary training offer

    The ALLSH faculty offers a wide range of courses: 16 general bachelor's degrees, 72 master's degree courses grouped into 22 fields of study, including : modern literature, French and comparative literature, linguistics, the world of books, visual arts, cinema, cultural mediation, music, theater, general linguistics and phonetics, French as a foreign language, studies of Anglophone, Germanic, Asian, Slavic, Middle Eastern, Italian, Hispanic, Portuguese, Brazilian and Latin American cultural areas, Romance languages and Romanian, applied foreign languages, cognitive, developmental, differential, clinical and social psychology, educational sciences, history, art history and archaeology, ancient sciences, anthropology, sociology, philosophy, ergology, European studies, human geography, physics, theory and quantity.

    It also offers 4 professional bachelor's degrees, a DEUST, preparatory courses for competitive examinations and agrégations, institutional diplomas and 30 languages taught.

  • Recognized training

    • 16 top-level athletes 18 top-level artists registered in 2022-2023
    • SMBG ranking: Master of International Negotiation (MASNI) - 2nd in 2021 and 3rd in 2022
  • Intensive research

    ALLSH research is supported by 16 laboratories, including 9 research units and 7 joint research units, 1 joint service unit (UMS MAP), 1 service and research unit (USR OpenEdition) and 2 federations (CRISIS and Pôle 3C).

    It also includes the Institut Convergences ILCB (Institute for Language, Communication, and the Brain) and active participation in the instituts d'établissement. ALLSH is the parent UFR for the CRISIS (Cultures, Representations, Identities, Health and Social Interactions) research federation, and also includes the 3C (Brain, Cognition and Behavior) federation co-sponsored by our faculty and the UFR Sciences. It is also home to two AMU-certified technology platforms (Homme-Humanités-Corpus-Comportement and the Centre d'Expérimentation sur la parole).

    The scientific activity of our faculty covers an extremely wide range of disciplines, from neuroscience to the arts, including literature, languages, linguistics, geography, psychology, philosophy and educational sciences.

    The faculty enrols doctoral students from 3 Doctoral Schools: ED Langues, Lettres et Arts, ED Cognition, Langage, Education, and ED Espaces, Cultures, Sociétés, located on the MMSH site.

    With 4,500 m2 dedicated to research, the Maison de la Recherche Schuman (MdR) is home to 11 of the Faculty's 16 research units, an administrative, financial and development service to support the research units, and a service to help plan and finance scientific events.

  • Establishment institutes

    • Institut créativité et innovation InCIAM (supported by the ALLSH faculty)
    • Institut d'archéologie méditerranéenne ARKAIA (in collaboration with MMSH OSU PYTHEAS and SANTE)
    • Institut méditerranéen pour la transition environnementale (ITEM) (in collaboration with MMSH OSU-PYTHEAS IMPGT SCIENCES et SANTE)
    • Institut sociétés en mutation en Méditerranée SoMuM (with MMSH and FDSP)
    • For training, participation in the Institut des sciences de la fusion et de l'instrumentation en environnement nucléaire (ISFIN) (supported by AMU and CEA)


ALLSH Faculty presentation video
Lionel DANY, Dean of the ALLSH Faculty