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Each year, ALLSH welcomes visiting professors from centers and institutes, from the Faculty itself, or from the university. Many foreign research professors are invited by statute every year.

In addition to the many invitations extended by the research centers themselves as part of their various research programs, these invitations are launched in particular through the Guest FIR campaign:

The Guest IRF concerns the hosting of foreign lecturers for a minimum period of one month, between January1 and December 31 of year N+1.

Two financing options are available:

  • Reimbursement of mission expenses (payment of daily allowances for meals, accommodation and reimbursement of economy-class travel costs) in accordance with current DAF procedure - Managed by DRV. In this case, the hosting of the foreign scientist must be formalized by an agreement between AMU and the scientist's employing institution, in accordance with the "Hosting in AMU laboratories of French or foreign scientists not employed by AMU" procedure.

    AU-DRV-6032 - Payment of living expenses for visiting lecturers
  • Remuneration of guest researchers by AMU - Management by DRH. The DRH Centrale issues an appointment order after the CacR has validated the eligibility of the application, and the CAR has validated the remuneration indexes for visiting lecturers.

The DRV issues the call for projects to the Unit Directors, who are informed each year, usually in July.

Process steps :

  • Dossier preparation by the Units. Within the same Unit, several teams may submit an application, in which case the applications must be filed by the Unit.
  • Dossiers are filed by the components to which they belong. Applications are forwarded by the Unit to the component and copied to the DRV (research administration division) for examination by the Conseil Adémique Restreint (CAcR).
  • Files examined by CAcR members (July), followed by notification of individualized results by the DRV (by e-mail in July).
  • The Unit takes care of the administrative formalities for hosting the guest: mission order, visa, accommodation and transport reservations, hosting agreement, etc.
  • In the case of reimbursement of mission expenses, the Unit incurs expenses on behalf of the guest (transport, accommodation, subsistence costs, etc.); at the end of the stay, the Unit forwards all supporting documents, invoices, mission order and statement of account to the DRV (Pôle 1 administration de la recherche) for reimbursement.

    For guest researcher remuneration, it is advisable to contact the central HR department 2 months before the guest researcher's arrival, in order to draw up the appointment order.
  • The campaign for the reception of visiting professors on FDSP support (launched in Nov/Dec of each year). If you have any questions, please contact
  • The campaign to welcome visiting professors to the Faculty of Law, supported by the university (DRV procedure, every spring).

Every year, ALLSH welcomes a large number of foreign lecturers and PhD students as part of the research programs carried out by its centers and laboratories.

Researchers and doctoral students wishing to spend a short research period in one of the centers or laboratories are invited to contact these structures first, in order to determine the possibilities and conditions of a possible stay. The center or laboratory then submits the request to the component.


Research and Development Department (DRV)

Amira Khellaf

International Research Cooperation04 13 94 95 86

The EURAXESS Service Center (CSE) is a department of Aix-Marseille Université's Direction de la Recherche et de la Valorisation (DRV), dedicated to welcoming and supporting international researchers hosted by the University's components and research structures. AMU is a member of EURAXESS France. The EURAXESS Researchers in Motion network is a European Commission initiative designed to facilitate the mobility of researchers in Europe.