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Master Géographie, aménagement, environnement et développement - Parcours Géomatique et modélisation spatiale (GMS)

  • Département Géographie, aménagement, environnement
  • Formation initiale - continue
  • Aix-en-Provence Schuman
  • Laboratoire : Espace
  • AIMS

    The speciality Geomatics and Spatial Modelling (GMS) emphasises methodological expertise and aims to train professional geographers who can work in the fields of geographic information and land use planning The offer of specialised optional modules on the two partner sites, the University of Avignon and the University of Nice, also allows students who wish to strengthen the research dimension of their course, with the aim of pursuing a doctorate. Within the GMS speciality, a double degree of International Master (DPI) Geomatics and Environment in partnership with the North-Eastern Federal University; Yakutsk (Russia) allows for specialisation in the field of the environment with a focus on the use of space and airborne technology. The GMS training is a member of the GIFT « Big Data » of Aix-Marseille Université.

    Note: students wishing to follow the International Master's degree in Management and Environment must apply in GMS and imperatively mention that they wish to follow the DPI.

    Training and research

    The GMS speciality is supported by a pedagogical team made up mainly of teacher-researchers specialising in theoretical and quantitative approaches in geography. It relies in particular on the UMR ESPACE (CNRS, Aix-Marseille University, University of Avignon, University of Nice) to provide students with a range of high-level specialised courses, particularly in the context of the mutualisation of UEs between the three sites, allowing them to pursue their studies in doctoral studies. The second semester of the programme is devoted to an internship and/or a research dissertation.

    The second semester of the programme is devoted to an internship and/or a research dissertation.


    Registration by right for holders of the M1 « Géographie, Aménagement, Environnement, Développement » of Aix-Marseille Universit&e;. Registration after examination of the academic file for the other candidates.

    Registration method:



    Mandatory requirements

    Master's degree in geography or a related discipline (planning, urbanism, social sciences, environment, geomatics, etc.).


    Recommended Prerequisites

    Cartography, GIS, Spatial analysis, Statistics, T&E.

    Strong academic standard throughout the degree course. The results obtained in disciplines closely related to the envisaged selective master's degree are particularly important, without excluding other results. For candidates from a country where French is not the official language, a minimum level of C1 in French attested by a recognised certification of less than 2 years, except if the candidate has validated a licence delivered by a French university. The application must present a coherent and motivated study and/or professional project, in line with the contents and the aims of the requested selective training, and showing that the applicant has taken note of the training. Very good command of written and spoken French. Ability to react and adapt to different communication situations. Ability to argue in writing and orally.

    Solid knowledge of human geography, physical geography, geomatics and spatial analysis, as well as planning, as evidenced by previous results provided in the dossier. A strong interest in interdisciplinarity, demonstrated by the choice of disciplines followed and validated and/or by the construction of the training path (for example: choice of option, double degree, D.U., etc.). Solid mastery of the analysis of the modes of occupation and development of space by societies in various territorial contexts and scales, attested by the previous results provided in the dossier. Solid mastery of the acquisition of quantitative and qualitative spatial data in the field and of their processing in order to describe the socio-spatial and landscape dynamics of a territory or an environment, as demonstrated by the previous results provided in the dossier. Solid mastery of the methods and tools of spatial analysis and geomatics (CAD, GIS, computer-aided design), as evidenced by the previous results. A first experience in the concrete handling of software and applications (GIS, CAD) and in the analysis of results is required. A sound knowledge of the analysis of physical and environmental geography processes and concepts applied to the dynamics of natural environments and landscapes and their interactions with society, as evidenced by the results of the study;Minimum level B2 in English Advanced knowledge of common computer tools (office software, especially word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, etc.)All practical experience in the field in relation to the themes of the course will be valued (field studies, final year project). A relevant research project, consistent with the themes of the three courses, will be presented. It is required that the project is in line with the fields of expertise of the department's teacher-researchers, who are likely to supervise the research dissertation.


    Typical courses can be access by
    • Initial Formation
    • Continious formation

    The spécialité GMS trains students in the various facets of geomatics: from the acquisition of techniques for the construction and analysis of geographic information (GIS and programming, cartography and visualization, spatial analysis, data processing) to methods of modelling (statistical modelling, cellular automata, Multi-Agent Systems).

    The International Master's Degree in Computer Science and the Environment is structured around three specific courses in spatial and airborne engineering in English and courses in the GMS speciality in spatial analysis and modelling: Artificial intelligence and image processing, hyperspectral tection, applied tectonics and natural resources management, environmental and energy management;Environment and natural resources management, Applied tectonics and GIS, Mini-industry, Simulation, spatial modelling.


    Internship and supervised projects

    Two possibilities are offered in the second semester depending on the students' professional project. Those wishing to enter the professional world after the Master's degree can carry out an internship (of a maximum duration of five months), the report of which will be evaluated and presented during an oral defense. Students wishing to go into research and pursue a doctorate will write an academic dissertation which, if required, may lead to an internship in a research laboratory.


    Partner universities:

    • University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis
    • University of Avignon and the Pays de Vaucluse

    Particular teaching methods

    Choosing a module taking place on the sites of partner universities: Avignon and Nice.

    Modules in teaching within the framework of the IPR Géomatique et Environnement. Teaching modules given either in English (NEFU and Advance Remote Sensing e-learning courses) and in French (Géosimulation, programming, spatial modelling, Territorial Diagnosis).

    Possibility of teaching modules in English and French.

    Opportunity to follow a year at North-Eastern Federal University in the framework of the International Master in Geomatics and Environment.

    Possibility of Erasmus exchange with the University of Umeå, Sweden in the framework of the Master in MSc and the International Master in Computer Science and Environment.

    Knowledge control methods

    Terminal control