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Licence Arts plastiques

  • Département Arts
  • Formation initiale
  • Aix-en-Provence Schuman
  • AIMS

    The teaching of the 3 years of the Bachelor of Fine Arts is intended to deliver specific knowledge in the fields of plastic practice and art sciences.

    These knowledge and know-how are sometimes transversal, linked to other artistic disciplines present in the University.

    This knowledge and know-how are sometimes transversal, in connection with other artistic disciplines present at the University of Aix-Marseille (theatre, cinema, music, cultural mediation, history of art, literature).


    • Holders of a French baccalaureate in the general, technological or professional sciences. or equivalent
    • Students or professionals with practice/experience in the arts (drawing, painting, photography, digital graphic design, etc.).

    The following are allowed to enrol in a Bachelor's degree:

    • Candidates who hold or are in the process of obtaining a French baccalaureate in the general, technological or vocational sectors.
    • The candidates who hold or are in the process of obtaining a French baccalaureate in the general, technological or vocational sectors Candidates who hold or are preparing for a French level IV diploma other than the baccalaureate.
    • Candidates who are nationals of a country other than France
    • Candidates who are nationals of the E.U., the EEA, the Swiss Confederation, the Principality of Monaco or Andorra, who hold or are in the process of obtaining a diploma giving access to European higher education.
    • Candidates who are nationals of the E.U., the EEA, the Swiss Confederation, the Principality of Monaco or Andorra, who hold or are in the process of obtaining a diploma giving access to European higher education.

    N.B : Candidates who are not nationals of the E.U., the EEA, the Swiss Confederation, the Principality of Monaco or Andorra, who hold or are in the process of obtaining a diploma equivalent to the French baccalaureate (U.E or non-EU) do not go through APB, but through the DAP procedure.


    The training offer of the sector Art and Art Sciences is part of the L.M.D. (Licence, Master, Doctorat). The Licence takes 3 years to complete, i.e. 6 semesters made up of teaching units (U.E.). Each semester obtained is worth 30 European credits.

    In Licence 1ère et 2eme annacute;es (L1-L2), the teachings are general and déd d&eagrave; multidisciplinary.

    A specialization is proposed in the 3rd year:

    • Area 1 : photography - practice and theory of the image.
    • Area 2 : digital creation - practice and theory.
    • Area 3 : teaching methods.
    • Area 4 : initiation à research in visual arts.

    The only university training of this type in the PACA region, guaranteeing both the mastery of diversified and contemporary artistic practices (drawing, painting, photography, video, so-called conceptual practices, installations, computer graphics, etc.) and the acquisition of the fundamentals of aesthetics and the history of modern and contemporary art.

    The Bachelor's Degree in Visual Arts is a unique opportunity for students to learn the fundamentals of visual arts.

    The Bachelor of Fine Arts aims to develop an in-depth understanding of the works and phases of art, contributing to the formation of an informed thought on the challenges of contemporary art and its most recent technological developments.

    This Bachelor's degree course is supervised by a teaching team made up of visual artists and art historians, philosophers, aestheticians, sociologists, digital professionals (computer graphics, web design, etc.), educationalists, and artists' associations.), educationalists, scriptwriters, event organisers, exhibition curators, etc.

    Since 2011, the project has been a success.

    Since 2011, methodological courses (MTU) have been integrated into all levels of the curriculum. These teachings encourage the empowerment of the student in both practical and thematic areas.

    The Bachelor of Science and Technology (BSc)

    The Bachelor's degree is structured in such a way as to allow the student to develop his or her knowledge and skills.

    The Licence is structured around the “Plastic Arts” pathway. This is made up of different workshops in plastic practice – drawing, two-dimensional practice, volume and installation, digital creation, personal practice, etc. In addition, there are courses in the history of art, aesthetics, analysis of works and methodology of academic work adapted to the visual arts. In addition, there are various optional courses, such as modern languages, scenery, photography, video editing, art education, etc.

    A course in the methodology of academic work is offered in each semester of L1. The specialisation in the mention is carried out progressively, from the second semester. In the second year, a professional project and career planning course helps the student to refine his or her project; a cross-disciplinary course provides training in digital and information skills. The modern language is compulsory in each semester of the licence.

    In the Licence 1, the student will be able to learn the language of the country in which he/she lives.

    In Licence 1, in addition to the teaching provided within the framework of the discipline of registration, the first semester is characterised by the choice of one or two opening disciplines. This multi-disciplinary approach allows the student to verify his commitment to the main orientation he has chosen, and to facilitate, if he so wishes, his reorientation at the end of the first semester or in Licence 2. In the latter case, the student must have validated at least 12 credits in the chosen discipline. In the second year, the students in reorientation will have to follow a semester 2 UE of the new mention in place of the opening UE. The opening courses that can be chosen are the history of art and philosophy.

    See below


    The Licence déarts plastiques aims to provide the student with a base of knowledge and know-how that will enable him/her to either move towards professionalisation (teaching via the Master MEEF, artistic and cultural careers, creation and management of digital images), or towards research (master's degree, doctorate).

    The teaching offered during the Licence déarts plastiques creates transversal conditions, allowing, where appropriate, the student to develop his/her skills and knowledge.

    The teaching proposed during the Licence d'arts plastiques creates the conditions of transversality, allowing, if necessary, the student to be redirected towards other training courses; s's notably concerning the other artistic sectors, constitutive of the ARTS department of Aix-Marseille Université (Cinema and audiovisual, Théâtre, Cultural Médiation, Music and Sciences of music).


    During the three years of training, the student must acquire skills in contemporary artistic practices: drawing, painting, volume, photography, digital creation, video, sound, etc. The teaching in the Bachelor's degree combines the creation of artistic productions with the mastery of technical and conceptual tools, as well as historical, philosophical and technological knowledge and skills (digital tools, in particular).


    For non-compulsory internships, the establishment of the internship agreement is ensured with the support of the UFR administration via the IPRO platform

    This platform allows the student to access and apply for internship and job offers, to follow up on their applications, to request the internship authorization from their academic supervisor and to sign their internship agreement.


    The student has a regular teacher, the Director of Studies. They benefit from regular and individualised follow-up, supported by courses on the methodology of university work adapted to their discipline.

    The homecoming days allow the student to get to know the department, the services of the University, the optional courses, to visit the University Library, to get to know the Common Documentation Service (SCD).

    The Practice training, compulsory for L1, is a discovery of the Digital Working Environment ENT, of the AMETICE pedagogical platform, of the institutional mail (

    For students entering the course after authorisation from the P&E Commission, a refresher course may be offered (in certain cases, substitution of a French language UE for a Foreign Modern Language for example).

    The course is offered in French only.

    Special arrangements for the mention, e.g. tutoring.


    Progressive orientation in licence 1 or entry into licence 2 within the framework of the portals or according to a procedure proposed by the directions of studies and the Pedagogical Commission. The multi-disciplinary nature of Licence 1 and the options available in Licence 2 encourage progressive orientation (conservation of credits and most grades).

    The programme is designed for students who have already completed their first year of study.


    The objective is to accompany the student in the construction of his/her orientation. It is a question of providing general information and methodological content for seeking information in order to enable the student to enrich his or her perspectives on orientation and to gradually develop his or her choices. It is also a question of providing students with preparation for integration: knowledge of the socio-professional environment specific to the course, initiation into the tools of integration and the search for internships.


    Erasmus+ mobility:

    In Licence 3 (and in Master 1 and 2), the Art and Art Sciences sector offers various study periods abroad (ERASMUS +, CREPUC) lasting one or two semesters. These sessions are part of bilateral agreements with the following institutions:

    The following institutions are involved

    • Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles (ARBA-ESA, Belgium), partnership aiming at obtaining a double Master degree.
    • Facultad de Bellas Artes de la Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain).
    • Department of Arts and Letters of the Universitat du Qué du bec à Chicoutimi (UQÀC, Canada)
    • Faculty of Arts of the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQÀM, Canada), in the framework of CREPUC.
    • Tianjin Academy of Fine Art (China).
    • Seconda università di Napoli (Italy)
    • University of Florianopolis (Brazil)


Champ 1

Arts plastiques