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Licence Géographie et aménagement - Parcours Géographie et aménagement

  • Département Géographie, aménagement, environnement
  • Formation initiale - continue
  • Aix-en-Provence Schuman
  • AIMS

    Scientific knowledge at the end of the degree covers :

    • The spatial organisation of territories and the functioning of human societies, in developed and developing countries.
    • The dynamic functioning of the major types of geographical areas (urban, rural, peri-urban, etc.) and their interactions with the physical environment using a multiscalar approach, from local to global.
    • Sectoral policies and modes of institutional organisation of territories (economic development, transport, tourism, culture, spatial planning, etc.)
    • Interactions between territorial development, the interplay of players and the body of law

    Methods of analysis and modelling of human societies, the environment and spaces (landscape reading, qualitative and quantitative analyses, cartographic analyses, spatial analysis, systemic modelling, etc.)


    The teaching project is generalist. It involves imparting fundamental knowledge about the complexity of the world and its spatial organisation, and developing the ability to analyse social and environmental issues and their interrelationships at different spatial and temporal scales. In addition to fundamental knowledge, a great deal of attention is paid to learning and working methods, with a view to opening up and raising awareness of other disciplines.

    Five teaching areas are given priority: urban planning and development, environment and natural hazards, geopolitics and development, geomatics and geoprocessing, and preparation for teaching competitions. These fields are linked by cross-disciplinary teaching and tutored projects.

    At the end of the bachelor's degree, students have a foundation of knowledge about how territories function, the global changes and risks to which they are subject, and are able to learn about the environmental, development and planning policies that affect these territories.


    Typical courses can be access by
    • Initial Formation
    • Continious formation

    • Savoir construire un discours argumenté et critique de géographe à l'oral comme à l'écrit à partir d'une problématisation.
    • Know how to process and analyse data, particularly géo-réfencées.
    • Maîtriser l'usage des logiciels bureautiques et de dessin cartographique et se initier aux logiciels spécifiques à la géographie (Système d'Information Géographique, télédétection, modélisation spatiale).
    • Know how to construct, analyse and communicate a territorial élémentary diagnosis.

    Know how to carry out an integrated field study (in particular via observation, survey and the collection of data or information aimed at addressing a geographical issue).


    A teaching unit, available in the third year of the bachelor's degree, offers students the opportunity to carry out an internship during their geography course. Internships are also possible in the first and second years, outside teaching periods. Internship agreements are drawn up with the support of the UFR administration via the ipro platform . This platform enables students to access and apply for internship and job offers, track their applications, request internship authorisation from their academic supervisor and draw up their internship agreement.


    Students are assigned a regular teacher, the Director of Studies. They benefit from regular and individualised supervision, supported by courses on the methodology of university work adapted to their discipline. The welcome days provide an opportunity to find out about the department, university services, optional courses, visit the university library and find out about the Service Commun de Documentation (SCD). The Practice course, which is compulsory for L1 students, covers the Digital Working Environment (ENT), the AMETICE educational platform and institutional e-mail (htp :// For students entering the programme after receiving authorisation from the Teaching Commission, a refresher course may be offered (in some cases, a foreign modern language may be substituted for a French course, for example). In addition, master's students are recruited to provide tutoring for undergraduate students. This tutoring provides help with homework and course review.