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Licence Musicologie

  • Département Arts
  • Formation initiale
  • Aix-en-Provence
  • AIMS

    The Musicology degree offers students from different musical backgrounds the opportunity to extend and deepen their skills through a current musicological reflection, adapted to their profile and professional objectives. The link between music theory and practice is at the heart of the training: workshops in musical practice and creation, history, analysis and musical criterion, human sciences.


    Students wishing to follow the Pôle supéur musical and musicological pathway must justify the conditions required for admission to the two partner institutions. For more information see:

    • the IESM website

    In licence:
    Allowed to enrol in licence are candidates holding a baccalaureate or a DAEU.

    Holders of another diploma:


    Target audience: all baccalaureate holders or equivalent with musical training.


    Two pathways starting in the first year of the degree:

    The first one is the first year of the degree.

    1. Music and Music Sciences : powerful common core with a system of options (or axes) allowing students to colour their course of study according to their pre-project career.
    2. Pôle supérieur musical et musicologique : this pathway will allow access to students simultaneously enrolled at the Institut d'eacute;tudes supérieur;This is one of the double degree programmes offered by the Institut dérieures musicales Europe – Méderran&e (IESM) and Aix-Marseille Université: Diplôme d'Etat de Professeur de Musique (DE)/Licence Musicologie, or Diplôme National Supérieur Professionnel de Musicien (DNSPM)/Licence Musicologie.

    The first semester of the first year is organised within a multidisciplinary portal « Lettre-Arts du spectacle-Musicologie link


    The Musicology degree offers students from different musical backgrounds the opportunity to extend and deepen their skills through a current musicological reflection, adapted to their profile and professional objectives. The link between music theory and practice is at the heart of the training: workshops on musical practice and creation, history, analysis and musical criteria, human sciences. The training is supported by a university festival of young musical creations: Contemporary Architectures (


    1 - Mobilise an artistic culture and the main methods for studying musical phases.

    2 - Identify the main practices of the past and the present: evolution of forms and genres, history of institutions, places, training and history of music.

    2 - Identify the main practices of the past and the present: evolution of forms and genres, history of institutions, places, training and history.

    3 - Mobilise a knowledge of the past and the present in order to understand and understand the history of music.

    3 - Mobilise a theoretical and critical reflection on musical phenomena (literature, aesthetics, philosophy of art, history of the arts, etc.);art, art history, art sociology, anthropology, psychoanalysis, etc.) in order to define the problems of study.

    4 - Learn disciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches and practices for learning the auditory dimension of musical creations.

    5 - Identify the actuality of disciplinary problems and their evolution according to a prospective reflection.

    6 - Use methods of listening to sound parameters adapted to the work of description, commentary and analysis.

    7 - Have personal experience of musical practice

    8 - Organise specialised documentary resources (sites, databases, digital resources, archives) as well as access methods.

    9 - Identify and develop the skills needed to perform in the field of music

    9 - Identify and mobilise the descriptive and critical terminology developed in France and abroad to comment on musical phenomena.

    - Identify and mobilise the descriptive and critical terminology developed in France and abroad to comment on musical phenomena.

    10 - Identify the institutional, administrative and associative organisation of music in France and abroad.


    The aim is for students, depending on their initial profile, to acquire, extend and deepen musical, transversal and professional skills that will enable them to:

    It is a question of

    • To deal with the main problems of the musical and musicological field through the use of appropriate theoretical tools, methods and techniques, including those linked to new technologies (MAO, computer assisted music).
    • To develop their skills in the field of music and musicology
    • To develop autonomy in work and analysis, a capacity for involvement in collective projects, a capacity for critical distance and easy communication, in French and in a foreign language.

    At the end of their training, students will have developed the following skills:

    • Situate a musical work.
    • Select a musical work (style, structure, etc.) from the score, note it down, comment on it.
    • Understand a musical score: decipher it, locate its structuring elements.
    • Choose and use an appropriate method for the study (analysis, description, commentary, etc.) of a piece of music that has been read or performed.
    • The use of the vocabulary of a musical piece
    • Use the specific vocabulary to study a musical work by ear or on score.
    • Produce an argumentative discourse on a musical phenomenon, including a multidisciplinary approach.
    • Represent the stakes of the musical and musicological actuality in order to achieve a critical analysis.
    • Perform and interpret an instrumental work, and evaluate one's performance.
    • Compose a musical arrangement, harmonization, instrumental or vocal piece.
    • Cite the different cultural and musical structures on a territory; identify the professionals who are related to them.
    • Situate one's role and mission within an organisation to adapt and take initiatives.

    For non-compulsory internships, the establishment of the internship agreement is ensured with the support of the UFR administration via the ipro platform

    This platform allows students to access and apply for internship and job offers, to follow up on their applications, to request authorization for an internship from their academic supervisor and to complete their internship agreement.

    The tutorial projects

    The tutored projects allow students to work in conditions close to those of a company, with support from the teachers of the course.



    • 133F Musique application à une technologie (fr)
    • 133G Connaissances artistiques appliquées à la documentation (fr)

    Specifications by typical training pathway

    The Music and Music Sciences pathway, possibly complemented by a university (master) or professional training, may allow the student to access the fields related to musical practice and live performance, to the fields of music animation, to the fields of music education, to the fields of music education, to the fields of music education, to the fields of music education and to the fields of music education; The student will be able to access the fields of music practice and live performance, musical animation, music publishing and the music press (criticism), distribution (recording industry), administration and cultural management, musicological research, and music teaching.

    The Pôle supé musical and musicological pathway finds its natural outlets in the fields of specialised music teaching (DE/licence option) and performing arts and musical interpretation (DNSPM/licence option). These students will also be able to continue their studies at Master's level to access the other employment sectors mentioned above.

    Some jobs and careers

    Some of the jobs and positions held by former graduates:

    Some of the jobs and positions held by former students

    • Musician,
    • Composer,
    • Musicologist,
    • Sound engineer,
    • Teacher of colleges and high schools,
    • Territorial art education teacher,
    • Musical animator,
    • Production or broadcasting manager,
    • Director or head of mission for music in local authorities.

    The student has a regular teacher, the Director of Studies. They benefit from regular and individualised follow-up, supported by courses on the methodology of university work adapted to their discipline.

    The homecoming days allow the student to get to know the department, the services of the University, the optional courses, to visit the University Library, to get to know the Common Documentation Service (SCD).

    The Practice training, compulsory for L1, is a discovery of the Digital Working Environment ENT, of the AMETICE pedagogical platform, of the institutional mail (

    For students entering the course after authorisation from the P&E Commission, a refresher course may be offered (in certain cases, substitution of a French language UE for a Foreign Modern Language for example).

    The course offers a first year of study in French and a second year in English.

    The course is designed to help students learn the fundamentals of these subjects.


    The second year of the Musicology degree is focused on disciplinary teaching. It is also the time, within the framework of a specific teaching unit, to prepare one's professional and study project. The students will also follow a transversal teaching which will train them in digital and information skills.

    The third year of the programme will be dedicated to the development of the students' skills.

    The third year allows students to deepen their knowledge and skills, both disciplinary and transversal, and to refine their professional or further study project.


    In the second year, students follow an “Orientation, professional and digital project” course. This is a compulsory course each semester (2 x 3 credits) provided in the form of work supervised by professionals. This teaching aims to support the student in the construction of his orientation. It is a question of providing general information, methodological contents of research of information in order to allow the student to enrich his prospects of orientation and to manage to gradually elaborate his choices. It is also a question of providing students with preparation for integration: knowledge of the socio-professional environment specific to the training, initiation to the tools of integration and the search for internships. For students who are destined for primary education, the ESPE offers so-called UE Pro MEEF options: UE for professionalization in teaching and training professions. An awareness-raising unit is offered in license 2 and two further training units in the discovery of the profession in license 3. For the 1st degree, school teaching axes are organized within the license mentions. In addition to these UE pro MEEF, there is training in mathematics, science and French. These teaching units are coupled with 24-hour observation internships in a professional environment and allow active orientation of students.


    The course develops 3 types of specific international partnership agreements:

    1. Erasmus agreement ; Partner institutions : university of Hildesheim (Germany), 2 semesters – 1 ét student  university of Edinburgh (UK) (2 semesters – 1, soon 2 ét students)
    2. Bilateral agreement (2007 renewed in 2014)
    3. ; Partner institution: Laval University, Quebec (Canada) (2 semesters, 3 students)
    4. CREPU/Quebec
    5. CREPUQ – Conseil des universités du Québec + université d'Ottawa (Canada) ; Partner institutions : universitéal, université de Sherbrooke, université d'Ottawa. Number of students varies according to demand (from 1 to 4 students possible)

    Other partnership projects are currently under consideration.



Champ 1

Musique et sciences de la musique

Champ 1

Pôle supérieur musical et musicologique