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Licence professionnelle Protection et valorisation du patrimoine historique et culturel : Conservation et restauration du patrimoine bâti

  • Département Arts
  • Formation initiale - continue
  • Arles
  • AIMS

    The duration of the course is one academic year, i.e. 498 hours of theoretical teaching, including 150 hours of tutored projects and 12 weeks of internship, i.e. 60 ECTS (30 ECTS per semester).


    The Licence Professionnelle Protection et Valorisation du Patrimoine Historique et Culturel is aimed at a wide audience of students. It is primarily aimed at History of Art students, but also at all those whose training is close to the educational orientations of this professional degree (Licence 2 Lettres et Sciences Humaines, Droit, Sciences Économiques etc.).It is also aimed at holders of a DUT in Civil Engineering, BTS in Construction and Public Works, but also holders of BTS in Tourism, Space Design and undergraduate degrees in architecture.The professional licence can welcome, within the framework of continuing education, people who hold a diploma or title approved by the State at level III or recognised at the same level by a national regulation. It can also accept candidates through the validation of professional experience.
    The training offer must be aimed at professionals of the old trade who wish to complete or refresh their skills in certain areas of their profession. The training for adults is aimed more particularly at staff of services linked to heritage (Communes, Région, DRAC, Département (STAP, CAUE, etc.) as well as to employees of companies specialised or not in building heritage, to architects wishing to complete their training with a short specialisation in building heritage.


    The courses are subject to continuous assessment (fieldwork, exercises, etc.) or final assessment (criterion, oral, files, etc.)
    The methods of compensation between teaching units: Each UE has a certain number of credits. At the end of the first session, the average of the different units will be calculated. An average of less than 10 will not prevent the student from moving on to the second semester. The compensation of the teaching units is done with the help of coefficients, at the end of the second semester.
    The compensation between each teaching unit of a UE will be done without a qualifying mark.
    The student will have to obtain a general average mark of 10/20 minimum to obtain the Professional Licence. In addition, he/she will also have to obtain the average mark for each of the tutor project and internship units. If a minimum mark of 10/20 is not obtained in one of these two units, the diploma cannot be awarded. The tutored projects and the internship are the subject of a report and a presentation before a jury.


    Maîtrise of architectural vocabulary and knowledge of architectural styles and major periods of history
    Capacity to lead a project for the enhancement and restoration of a historic monument or an urban space in a heritage site
    MaîMastery of the tools and techniques used in ancient building (materials)
    Skills in the analysis of the pathologies of ancient building
    Skills in the fields of cultural mediation within a monument or a town with a strong heritage potential
    Skills in the analysis of the pathologies of ancient building
    Skills in the analysis of the pathologies of ancient building
    Skills in the analysis of the pathologies of ancient building
    Skills in the analysis of the pathologies of ancient building
    Skills in the fields of cultural mediation within a monument or a town with a strong heritage potential


    It is important to note that this is not the only way to find an internship before enrolling in the LICENCE PRO programme?

    The people in charge, teachers and professionals will help you if you need it. A professional coach helps to refine one's professional project and thus facilitates the search for an internship. The internship starts in mid-March. Its duration is a minimum of 12 weeks. The defenses are done in May/June or September.


    The secretariat and the teaching of the Licence Professionnelle Protection et Valorisation du Patrimoine
    historique are located at the Antenne Universitaire in the premises of the collège Van Gogh avenue Jean Giono in Arles.