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Licence Lettres - Double Licence Droit - Lettres

  • Département Lettres modernes
  • Formation initiale
  • Aix-en-Provence
  • AIMS

    The Double Licence Law and Humanities programme is a three-year degree programme offering a Licence in Law and a Licence in Humanities at the end of the third year.

    These courses are designed to help students to understand and apply the concepts of the two disciplines. English language teaching in general, legal and literary English will be taught throughout the Licence.

    The aim of this Double Licence is to provide a cultural background for students who wish to benefit from a solid legal training rooted in literary humanities. Most of the law masters of the Faculty of Law and Political Science will be open to them. This training is also conducive to the preparation of legal competitions. As for the literary students who wish to give their training a concrete dimension, they will benefit from extensive knowledge and know-how that will open the door to the professions;They will be able to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to work in the fields of books, publishing, journalism, teaching competitions and basic research in the Humanities and Social Sciences.



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    This pathway of excellence takes a close look at the choices of the senior class specialties.


    The semesters, of 48 credits each, are divided between three types of teaching:

    • legal and literary disciplinary teaching
    • teaching specific to the Double Licence
    • cross-disciplinary teaching (English and methodology of academic work)
    • Specialised teaching (English and methodology of academic work)

    Students will be enrolled in Law and Modern Letters. The 2nd and 3rd years of Letters will be in the 2 « Lettres modernes » course.

    Each semester of Law and Letters represents 30 ECTS. Some courses are common to each licence and count among the 30 semester ECTS of each Licence. This is the case:

    • in S1 of the specific course « Représentation du Droit en littérature » and of the course « Droit des personnes » and of the course of « Culture générale »
    • at S2 of the specific course « Discourse and éloquence » and of the course « Literature and vé » and of the course of « Culture générale ».

    This double degree allows access to all the Masters in Arts and most of the Masters in Law.


    General and specialised disciplinary knowledge:

      • Fundamental knowledge in legal and literary disciplines.
      • Solid and diversified general culture.

    Modological knowledge and know-how :

    Transversal knowledge and skills :

    • Knowledge of communication, literary and legal English.


    • To master the French language in the diversity of its uses.
    • To know how to describe and analyse the functioning of the French language.
    • To know how to use the French language in the diversity of its uses.
    • To know how to use the French language in the diversity of its uses.
    • To know how to use the French language in the diversity of its uses.
    • Know how to describe and analyse the functioning of the French language.
    • - Maîtrise oral and written expression in English as well as English legal terminology.

    Speech and argument

    • Maîtrise expressing and speaking and communicating in both areas in a professional manner.
    • Construct a legal argument and a relevant and effective critical literary argument.
    • Mobilize a general culture and apply it to legal and literary fields.
    • Qualify legally the problems submitted and use one's theoretical knowledge in order to provide a practical solution.
    • Analyse and interpret modern and ancient literary texts and discourses, in their explicit and implicit issues.

    Tools and methods

    • Handling legal and paralegal data (codes and databases).
    • Preparing for the future
    • Master the reading of case law decisions of national and international jurisdictions.
    • To position oneself in the national, international and European legal environment.
    • Master the tools and methods of literary and linguistic criticism (language analysis, text commentary, dissertation).
    • Know how to mobilise the resources of the legal profession.
    • Know how to mobilise literature in its diversity (context, genres, periods, spaces, themes, forms) and the main critical approaches to literature.
    • Demonstrate an ability to understand and apply the principles of literary criticism


    • 128G Droit fiscal ; Droit des affaires ; Droit pénal ; Droit de l'environnement ; Droit de la santé ; Droit de la sécurité et de la défense ; Droit du transport etc (fr)
    • 321P Journalisme et communication (organisation-gestion) (fr)
    • 131G Littérature appliquée à la documentation, communication, lettres et enseignement (fr)
    • 131D Littérature et philosophie (fr)
    • 315R Ressources humaines, gestion du personnel, organisation du travail (contrôle-prévention) (fr)
    • 131B Sémiotique de la littérature (fr)

      - M&e;tiers de léadministration dans la fonction publique territoriale et fonction publique dÉtat (tout concours de catégorie A et B) et le secteur privé.
    • Any management position involving reactive, oral and relational skills.
    • Legal jobs accessible with a Bac +3 level: clerk of the judicial services, probation and integration prison counsellor, notary's assistant, police lieutenant, youth judicial protection officer, etc.
    • Civil service competitions (territorial attaché, territorial administrator, public finance controller, labour controller or inspector, etc.).
    • Business people (real estate agents, industrialists, banks, insurance companies, etc.).


    The bonuses offered by the ALLSH within the framework of the deepening of the practice of the French language are also accessible to the students of the DL.

    In addition, sponsorship between students of previous classes and L1 students is encouraged.


    This recent course of study will only be accessible in 2023-2024 at the level of Licence 3, which will include pre-professionalization courses.


    In the second year, students follow a course of study on orientation, professional and digital projects. This is a compulsory course each semester (2 x 3 weeks), which is taught by professionals. The objective is to accompany the student in the construction of his/her orientation. It is a question of providing general information and methodological content for seeking information in order to enable the student to enrich his or her career prospects and to gradually develop his or her choices. It is also a question of providing students with preparation for integration: knowledge of the socio-professional environment specific to the course, introduction to the tools of integration and the search for work placements. For students who are destined for teaching in the first degree, the ESPE offers options known as UE Pro MEEF: UE for professionalization in the fields of teaching and training. A sensitisation UE is proposed in licence 2 and two UEs to deepen the coverage of the field in licence 3. For the 1st degree, teacher training courses are organised within the licence mentions. In addition to these pro MEEF courses, there is training in mathematics, science and French. These courses are coupled with 24-hour observation periods in a professional environment and allow for active orientation of students.


    The requirements of the DL make it difficult to carry out a full year of study abroad. The ERASMUS offer would rather be a semester-based study abroad programme.