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Licence Géographie et Aménagement

Illustration géographie
  • Département Géographie, aménagement, environnement
  • Formation initiale - continue
  • Aix-en-Provence Schuman

Information aux futurs étudiants de la Licence de Géographie

À la rentrée 2024 (sous réserve de validation de la nouvelle accréditation), la Licence de Géographie se structure autour d’un parcours unique.

Régimes d’inscription :
Licence de Géographie : formation initiale, formation continue, formation sur site (Aix-en-Provence, campus Schuman)

Candidatures pour un accès en L1 : sur Parcoursup
Candidatures pour un accès en L2 et L3 : sur eCandidat

  • AIMS

    The teaching project is generalist. It consists in transmitting fundamental knowledge on the complexity of the world, its spatial organisation and in developing the ability to analyse social and environmental issues and their interrelationships at different spatio-temporal scales. In addition to the fundamental knowledge, great attention is paid to the methods of learning and working, with a view to opening up and raising awareness of other disciplines.

    The course is divided into five fields

    Five fields of teaching are privileged: urbanism and planning, environment and natural risks, geopolitics and development, geomatics and geographic information processing, and preparation for teaching competitions. These fields are linked by cross-disciplinary teaching and tutorial projects.

    At the end of the degree, students have a knowledge base on the functioning of territories, global changes and risks to which they are subjected and are able to learn about environmental, development and planning policies affecting these territories.


    The following are allowed to enrol in a Bachelor's degree:

    • Candidates who hold or are in the process of obtaining a French baccalaureate in the general, technological or vocational sectors.
    • The candidates who hold or are in the process of obtaining a French baccalaureate in the general, technological or vocational sectors Candidates who hold or are in the process of obtaining a French level IV diploma other than a baccalaureate.
    • Candidates who are nationals of the EU, the EEA, the European Union or the United States may also apply.E, the EEA, the Swiss Confederation, the Principality of Monaco or Andorra, who hold or are in the process of obtaining a diploma giving access to European higher education.

    N.B : Candidates who are not nationals of the E.U., the EEA, the Swiss Confederation, the Principality of Monaco or Andorra, who hold or are in the process of obtaining a diploma equivalent to the French baccalaureate (U.E or outside the E.U.) do not go through Parcoursup, but through the DAP procedure.


    The L1 year is a year of multidisciplinary study, with the choice of enrolment in one of the two portals: Humanities and Social Sciences or History and Geography. In L2, the teaching deepens the general training of the Geographer and in L3, the choice of UE allows a specialization (Urban Planning and Development, Environment and Natural Risks, Geomatics and Geographic Information Processing, Geography, Geography and Information Technology);ography, Géopolitique et développement, préparation aux concours de léenseignement) on the basis of a common core approaching the fundamental themes of géography so that students can apply for all types of Masters.


    Scientific and professional knowledge at the end of the licence covers :

    • The spatial organisation of territories and the functioning of human societies, in developed or developing countries.
    • The interactions between physical environments, variability and the environment
    • The interactions between physical environments, climate variability and human societies.
    • The functioning of the main types of geographical areas (urban, rural, peri-urban) at the different scales of analysis.
    • Sector policies
    • Sectoral policies and institutional organisation modes of territories (economic development, transport, tourism, culture, land use planning, etc.).


    • Know how to construct an argumentative and critical discourse of a general nature, both orally and in writing, starting from a problem.
    • Know how to analyse data, particularly geographical data, in order to understand the nature of the problem
    • Know how to analyse data, especially geo-referenced data.
    • Maîtrise the use of office automation and cartographic drawing software and learn about specific software for geography (Geographic Information System, tectonics, spatial modelling).

    A teaching unit, available in the third year of the Geography and Planning degree, offers students the opportunity to carry out an internship during their Geography course. Internships are also possible in the first and second years outside of the teaching periods. The establishment of the internship agreement is ensured with the support of the administration of the UFR via the platform ipro . This platform allows students to access and apply for internship and job offers, to follow up their applications, to request authorization for an internship from their academic supervisor and to complete their internship agreement.


    The student has a regular teacher, the Director of Studies. He/she benefits from regular and individualised follow-up, supported by courses on the methodology of university work adapted to his/her discipline. The welcome days allow students to get acquainted with their field of study, the services of the University, the optional courses, visit the University Library and get to know the Common Documentation Service (SCD). Practice training, compulsory for L1 students, is a discovery of the Digital Working Environment ENT, the AMETICE pedagogical platform, the institutional mail (htp ://

    For students with a degree, the practice training will be based on the use of the ENT, the AMETICE platform and the institutional mail (htp ://

    For students entering the course after authorisation from the P&E Commission, a refresher course may be offered (in certain cases, the addition of a French language UE, for example).


    The multi-disciplinary nature of the Licence1 and the option of choice in Licence2 encourage progressive orientation (conservation of credits and most grades). In L3, students can reinforce their professional choice through the options. The directors of the studies advise the students beforehand and the P&E Commission studies the requests for reorientation.


    In the second year, students follow a course of study on orientation, professional and digital projects. This is a compulsory course each semester (2 x 3 credits) provided in the form of supervised work by professionals.

    The objective is to provide students with the opportunity to develop their knowledge and skills in the field of the digital economy.

    The objective is to accompany the student in the construction of his orientation. The aim is to provide general information and methodological content to enable the student to enrich his or her career prospects and gradually improve his or her choices. The aim is also to provide students with preparation for integration: knowledge of the socio-professional environment specific to the course, initiation into the tools of integration and the search for internships.


    ul Agreement with University of Ottawa, CREPUQ University (Quebec), University of Quebec, Madison University (USA) and NEFU University (Russia).


Champ 1

Géographie et aménagement