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Licence Sciences du langage

  • Département Sciences du Langage
  • Formation initiale - continue
  • Aix-en-Provence Schuman

2024-2025 – Document pour les étudiants

  • AIMS

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    The aim of the degree is to transmit solid and extensive knowledge of language in its verbal and multimodal components: structure and diversity of languages, speech (acoustic, physiological, linguistic, pathological aspects), language and brain, meaning, interactions, articulation between language and society, oral/written relationship, linguistic norms, language contacts and plurilingualism, gestuality, sign languages, etc. This knowledge is presented through different themes and methodologies, and students are encouraged to put into practice the new skills they have acquired. In addition, the degree trains students for academic work by giving them the methods and tools for documenting and writing academic texts, through the evaluation of regular personal work.

    The training, multidisciplinary in nature (« language sciences ») is at the crossroads of SHS and other sciences.


    The degree is open to anyone interested in language, speech and languages in all their aspects. At the crossroads of many disciplines, it offers a general education combining theory, analysis and practical acquisition of different methodologies, both academic and technical.

    The degree is open to anyone interested in language, speech and languages in all their aspects.


    The following are allowed to enrol in a Bachelor's degree:

    • Candidates who hold or are in the process of obtaining a French baccalaureate in the general, technological or vocational sciences.
    • The candidates who hold or are in the process of obtaining a French baccalaureate in the general, technological or vocational sciences Candidates who hold or are preparing for a French level IV diploma other than the baccalaureate.
    • Candidates who are nationals of a country other than France
    • Candidates who are nationals of the E.U., the EEA, the Swiss Confederation, the Principality of Monaco or Andorra, who hold or are in the process of obtaining a diploma giving access to European higher education.
    • Candidates who are nationals of the E.U., the EEA, the Swiss Confederation, the Principality of Monaco or Andorra, who hold or are in the process of obtaining a diploma giving access to European higher education.

    N.B : Candidates who are not nationals of the E.U., the EEA, the Swiss Confederation, the Principality of Monaco or Andorra, who hold or are in the process of obtaining a diploma equivalent to the French baccalaureate (U.E or non-EU) do not go through APB, but through the DAP procedure.


    In the 1st semester, the licence is present in two portals: Language Sciences and Humanities and Language Sciences, Educational Sciences, Sociology and Philosophy. Within the portal, students can choose the field of their choice under certain conditions.

    In L2, the student will choose an axis that he/she will follow until L3:

    • Language Sciences and SHS
    • Language Sciences and FLE
    • Language Sciences and Languages
    • Language Science and Language Disorders (Not open in 2019-2020)
    • Language Science and Teaching

    Scientific skills

    • Design a problem and address it with scientific tools and methods
    • Formulate hypotheses
    • Extracting data from a corpus (oral/written) using tools
    • Developing argumentation and critical thinking skills
    • Define and explain the functioning of human language and languages in all their dimensions
    • Define the acquisition, understanding and production of language
    • Define the structures of language and language use
    • Analysing a communication situation

    Practical skills

    • Constructing (socio)linguistic corpora
    • Recording, editing, transcribing speech
    • Label audio/video files
    • Conduct an experiment/interview
    • Conducting an ethnographic observation
    • Conducting documentary research
    • Analyze/ summarize texts, synthesize
    • Analyze texts, summarize them
    • Record a bibliography
    • Record a bibliography
    • Record a bibliography
    • Maîtrise the standards of scientific production (crit/oral)

    Scientific dissemination/enhancement (conference, booklet, poster, web page)


    For non-compulsory internships, the establishment of the internship agreement is ensured with the support of the UFR administration via the ipro platform

    This platform allows students to access and apply for internship and job offers, to follow up on their applications, to request authorization for an internship from their academic supervisor and to complete their internship agreement.

    The tutorial projects

    The tutored projects allow students to work in conditions close to those of a company, with support from the teachers of the course.


    The student has a regular teacher, the Director of Studies. They benefit from regular and individualised follow-up, supported by courses on the methodology of university work adapted to their discipline.

    The homecoming days allow the student to present the course, the services of the University, the optional courses, visit the University Library, present the Common Documentation Service (SCD).

    The Practice training, compulsory for L1, is a discovery of the Digital Working Environment ENT, of the AMETICE pedagogical platform, of the institutional mail (

    For students entering the course after authorisation from the P&E Commission, a refresher course may be offered (in certain cases, substitution of a French language UE for a Foreign Modern Language for example).

    Please note that this course is not intended for students who have already completed the course.

    Advanced students (Masters, PhD) provide tutoring for L1 students.


    Progressive orientation in licence 1 or entry into licence 2 within the framework of the portals or according to a procedure proposed by the directions of studies and the Pedagogical Commission. Multidisciplinarity in licence 1 and options in licence 2 favour progressive orientation (conservation of credits and most of the marks)


    The objective is to accompany the student in the construction of his/her orientation. It is a question of providing general information and methodological content for searching for information in order to enable the student to enrich his or her orientation perspectives and to gradually develop his or her choices. It is also a question of providing students with preparation for integration: knowledge of the socio-professional environment specific to the course, initiation into the tools of integration and the search for internships.


    The SCL degree welcomes foreign students through various exchange programmes (ERASMUS, CREPUQ for Quebec, American university programmes) and via Campus France. The international mobility of students is encouraged.

    Secondary education


Champ 1

Sciences du langage et pluridisciplinarité