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Licence Sciences de l'homme, anthropologie, ethnologie

  • Département Anthropologie
  • Formation initiale - continue
  • Aix-en-Provence Schuman

Information aux futurs étudiants de la Licence Sciences de l’Homme, Anthropologie, Ethnologie

À la rentrée 2024 (sous réserve de validation de la nouvelle accréditation), la Licence Sciences de l’Homme, anthropologie, ethnologie se structure autour d’un parcours unique

Régimes d’inscription :
Licence de Sciences de l’Homme, anthropologie, ethnologie : formation initiale, formation continue, formation sur site (Aix-en-Provence, campus Schuman)

Candidatures pour un accès en L1 : sur Parcoursup
Candidatures pour un accès en L2 et L3 : sur eCandidat

  • AIMS

    The degree « Sciences de l'Homme, anthropologie, ethnologie » offers a progressive training à social and cultural anthropology. As social and cultural anthropology aims to study the diversity of cultures and social organisations, the approach is necessarily comparative, whatever the personal project and the thematic specialisation envisaged.

    The SHAE degree offers from the first year high level courses - thought in perspective with the research training - taken care of by specialists, all teachers-researchers;These specialists are all teacher-researchers (section 20 of the CNU) or CNRS researchers, professionals, doctoral students, ATERs, members of laboratories and institutes of the AMU domain (IDEMEC, CREDO, IrASIA, IMAF, CNE) attached to section 38 of the CNRS. The licence offers a wide spectrum of specialisation in terms of cultural areas which has no equivalent in any other French university: Europe, the Mediterranean, Africa, the Near East and the Maghreb, Asia, the Americas, Oceania.

    The hourly volume of the licence is 1500 hours, i.e. 500 hours maximum per year. The teaching of modern languages for non-language specialists (LANSAD) represents 18 ECTS over the 3 years, i.e. 180 hours. Each student's progress in modern languages is prepared within the framework of a partnership between the licence and the LANSAD (LANGUAGE FOR NON-SPECIALISTS OF LANGUAGES) offer of the ALLSH UFR's modern languages departments.

    The SHAE licence welcomes an average of 225 students, including 100 in the first year, based on the average number of students over the last three years. The degree is offered in both initial and continuing education.

    The degree is offered in both initial and continuing education.

    The trainees of continuous training benefit from specific transversal modules proposed by the component and which relate in particular to the connection with the socio-economic world;These modules include links with the socioeconomic world, professionalization, documentary research, the use of resources available at the university, the development of knowledge and skills, and the development of the project.

    In both initial and continuing education, teaching is provided in the classroom and enriched by the use of ICTE via the AMU digital platform AMETICE: forums, provision of resources, etc.


    Baccalaureate holders from the general, technological or professional schools or equivalent (see admission conditions) who wish to acquire knowledge and skills in social and cultural anthropology and who are destined for the professions of teaching, research, heritage, social action, medicine, etc;The course is intended for students who wish to acquire knowledge and skills in social and cultural anthropology and who are destined for the professions of teaching, research, heritage, social action, cultural mediation, journalism, health, etc.

    Valued skills:

    • the taste for knowledge and sharing
    • curiosity for societal issues
    • open-mindedness and critical thinking
    • intellectual autonomy
    • scientific rigour

    The following are allowed to enrol in a Bachelor's degree:

    • Candidates who hold or are in the process of obtaining a French baccalaureate in the general, technological or vocational sciences.
    • The candidates who hold or are in the process of obtaining a French baccalaureate in the general, technological or vocational sciences Candidates who hold or are preparing for a French level IV diploma other than the baccalaureate.
    • Candidates who are nationals of a country other than France
    • Candidates who are nationals of the E.U., the EEA, the Swiss Confederation, the Principality of Monaco or Andorra, who hold or are in the process of obtaining a diploma giving access to European higher education.
    • Candidates who are nationals of the E.U., the EEA, the Swiss Confederation, the Principality of Monaco or Andorra, who hold or are in the process of obtaining a diploma giving access to European higher education.

    N.B : Candidates who are not nationals of the E.U., the EEA, the Swiss Confederation, the Principality of Monaco or Andorra, who hold or are in the process of obtaining a diploma equivalent to the French baccalaureate (U.E or non-EU) do not go through APB, but through the DAP procedure.

    Web address:


    The degree « Sciences de l'homme, Anthropologie et Ethnologie » is accessible à from two portals :

    Portal : « Sciences de l'Homme et de la Socié (SHS) »

    In L1, the licence « Sciences de l'homme, Anthropologie et Ethnologie » is associated à the licence « Histoire », à the licence « Sociology » and à the licence « Géographie et Aménagement » within the portal « Sciences de l'Homme et de la Socié (SHS) ».

    In the first semester, the teaching is common to the mentions of the portal. A teaching of methodology of academic work organised by each of the four disciplines involved is offered in both semesters of L1 (10%), as well as a teaching of modern languages (10%). Within the framework of the SHS portal, each of the 4 streams will offer a disciplinary teaching UE (i.e. 4×20% of the total = 80%).

    In the second semester, the teaching UE will be offered by the four disciplines involved (10%), as well as a modern language teaching (10%).

    In the second semester, 40% of the teaching will be compulsory in the discipline of registration, 20% will be chosen in one of the three other disciplines of the portal. The last 20% will be at choice: either in the discipline of registration (= disciplinary reinforcement), or in one of the three other disciplines of the portal.

    The last 20% will be at choice: either in the discipline of registration (= disciplinary reinforcement), or in one of the three other disciplines of the portal.

    The last 20% will be at choice

    Portal : « Philosophy, anthropology, letters » (portal 3)

    In L1, the licence « Sciences de l'homme, Anthropologie et Ethnologie » is associated à the licence « Philosophie » and the licence « lettres » (modern letters and classical letters) within the portal « Philosophy, anthropology, letters ».

    The portal is implemented only in the first semester.

    Each of the 3 streams involved will offer a common disciplinary teaching UE and a specific disciplinary teaching UE from a list of choices internal to the portal.

    A teaching of methodology of academic work, organised by each of the four disciplines involved, is offered in both semesters of L1 (10%), as well as a teaching of modern languages (10%).

    The teaching of the methodology of academic work, organised by each of the four disciplines involved, is offered in both semesters of L1 (10%).

    Pedagogical principles:

    Common core (disciplinary UEs reéserv;es à the SHAE licence) :

    • Module 2 : History and theories of the discipline

    Specialisation and pre-professionalisation foundation:

    • Module 4 : Préprofessionalization
    • Module 5 : Fields and objects of anthropology
    • Module 6 : Cultural areas
    • Module 7 : Languages
    • Module 8 : Multidisciplinary opening or disciplinary strengthening

    Contrôle of knowledge :

    Normal or continuing education (no distance learning)

    Depending on the course: CM, TD, supervised projects, internships in companies, field trips, situation courses, supervised field investigations

    • Table top exams (L1 L2 L3)
    • Exhibits (L1 L2 L3)
    • Reading sheets, bibliographic summaries (L1 L2)
    • Orals (L2 L3)
    • Film reviews (L3)
    • Internship in a company or institution + internship report (L3)
    • Customized projects (L2 L3) (pre-professionalization files, field research files, bibliographic files)

    • the history of anthropological knowledge
    • the fundamental domains of social organisation (religion, parenthood, politics, economics, health)
    • cultural areas and their singularities
    • contemporary themes

    The proposed courses also aim to develop a critical, ethical and distanced awareness of religious, political and economic facts, of the mutations of theThe aim of the course is to develop a critical and distanced awareness of religious, political and economic facts, of the mutations of the family institution, of questions relating to gender, of public health, of the contemporary manufacture of figures of the alt-right, of the social and political uses of heritage...


    • to master a foundation of psychological and methodological knowledge
    • gather scientific information and analyse it
    • design/problematise research objects
    • producing field data
    • conduct and participate in a collective project
    • presenting and exhibiting research
    • understand the professional applications of anthropology (health, heritage, research, film)
    • to cover the institutional and economic actors of basic research

    Cross-cutting competences:

    • research autonomy (observation, interview, documentation, photography, film...)
    • present work in written and oral form, or in other media (computer, film...)
    • present work in written and oral form, or in other media (computer, film...)
    • maîtrise a modern language

    In licence 3, a course internship (1 à 2 weeks) is proposed in a company or institution in the course « Professional applications ».

    For non-compulsory internships, the establishment of the internship agreement is ensured with the support of the UFR administration via the ipro platform

    This platform allows students to access and apply for internship and job offers, to follow up on their applications, to request internship authorisation from their academic supervisor and to complete their internship agreement.


    The student has a regular teacher, the Director of Studies. They benefit from regular and individualised follow-up, supported by courses on the methodology of university work adapted to their discipline.

    The homecoming days allow the student to present the course, the services of the University, the optional courses, visit the University Library, present the Common Documentation Service (SCD).

    Practice training, compulsory for L1 students, is a discovery of the ENT Digital Working Environment, the AMETICE pedagogical platform, the institutional email (

    For students entering the course after authorisation from the P&E Commission, a refresher course may be offered (in certain cases, substitution of a French language UE for a Foreign Modern Language for example).


    Progressive orientation in licence 1 or entry into licence 2 within the framework of the portals or according to a procedure proposed by the directions of studies and the Pedagogical Commission. The multi-disciplinary nature of Licence 1 and the options available in Licence 2 encourage progressive orientation (conservation of credits and most grades).

    The programme is designed for students who wish to pursue a career in the field of education.


    In the second year, students follow a course of study on orientation, professional and digital projects. This is a compulsory course each semester (2 x 3 weeks), which is taught by professionals. The objective is to accompany the student in the construction of his/her orientation. It is a question of providing general information and methodological content for seeking information in order to enable the student to enrich his or her career prospects and to gradually develop his or her choices. It is also a question of providing students with preparation for integration: knowledge of the socio-professional environment specific to the course, initiation into the tools of integration and the search for internships.


    The Department of Anthropology of the University of Aix-Marseille participates in the European university exchange programme S.O.C.R.A.T.E.S - ERASMUS (Europe) and CREPUQ (Canada). These programmes allow about ten students to spend a semester (5 months) or an academic year (10 months) in one of the 13 universities listed below:

    Some of the students have already completed a semester or an academic year in one of the 13 universities listed below

      • Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium)
      • Université de Liège (Belgium)
      • Université de Laval (Canada)
      • Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium)
      • University of Mainz (Germany)
      • Université Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain)
      • University of Kent (Great Britain)
      • University of Sussex-Brighton (Great Britain)
      • University of Uppsala (Sweden) University of Leuwen (Belgium)

    These university sessions offer students the opportunity to follow courses that do not exist in Aix-en-Provence, to adapt to In addition, the programme allows students to follow courses that do not exist in Aix-en-Provence, to adapt to other teaching methods, to carry out specific bibliographical research, and to benefit from pedagogical and logistical support. In addition, the department is actively involved in cooperation and exchange agreements with the University of Bangui (Central African Republic), the University of Lomé (Togo), the University of Bamako (Mali) and the University of Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso).


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Sciences de l'homme, anthropologie, ethnologie

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