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Licence Arts du spectacle

Illustration art du spectacle
  • Département Arts
  • Formation initiale
  • Aix-en-Provence Schuman
  • AIMS

    The Performing Arts degree includes 3 courses:

    - course 1 : Theories and practices of cinema and audiovisual.

    - course 3 : Performing Arts. (In L1, L2, these are common core courses from the DEUST Formation de base aux métiers du Théâtre).

    This degree aims to give access to fundamental knowledge and methods concerning film, audiovisual and performing arts. The first two years are a common core and students specialise in the third year. The course Arts de la scène is a possible continuation of the DEUST Formation de base aux métiers du Théâtre.

    This degree is divided into thematic courses, practical workshops, artistic productions, a foreign language module per semester and a compulsory internship in semester 6 (200 hours).

    This degree is offered in the form of a Bachelor's degree.

    The cinéma pathways aim to give students the ability to critically analyse audiovisual discourse and to acquire skills in audiovisual production (cinéma, video, etc.).

    The Arts de la scène type course is aimed at students and/or professionals wishing to acquire or consolidate cross-disciplinary skills in the themes and practices of the performing arts, articulated with the construction of a professional project.


    The following are allowed to register for Licence 1:

    • Candidates who hold or are in the process of obtaining a French baccalaureate in the general, technological or vocational sciences.
    • The candidates who hold or are in the process of obtaining a French baccalaureate in the general, technological or vocational sciences Candidates who hold or are preparing for a French level IV diploma other than the baccalaureate.
    • Candidates who are nationals of a country other than France
    • Candidates who are nationals of the E.U., the EEA, the Swiss Confederation, the Principality of Monaco or Andorra, who hold or are in the process of obtaining a diploma giving access to European higher education.
    • Candidates who are nationals of the E.U., the EEA, the Swiss Confederation, the Principality of Monaco or Andorra, who hold or are in the process of obtaining a diploma giving access to European higher education.

    N.B : Candidates who are not nationals of the E.U., the EEA, the Swiss Confederation, the Principality of Monaco or Andorra, who hold or are in the process of obtaining a diploma equivalent to the French baccalaureate (U.E or non-EU) do not go through APB, but through the DAP procedure.

    The DAP procedure is the same as the APB procedure.

    For the Licence 3 - Arts de la scène  course:

    • être holder of the DEUST « formation de base aux métiers du théâtre »
    • être holder of a Licence 1 & Licence 2 (in Performing Arts, Modern Literature, Humanities) and justifying a theatrical practice
    • or Higher National Training in Theatre

    In the first semester of the 1st year Bachelor's degree (L1), the courses are common to the Performing Arts, Musicology and Humanities fields within a portal uniting disciplines with numerous points of contact:

    The first semester of the 1st year Bachelor's degree (L1), the courses are common to the Performing Arts, Musicology and Humanities fields.

    • a share of fundamental teaching that can be conceived in a collaborative and transdisciplinary manner concerning common objects.
    • and
    • a share of teaching involving artistic practice relating either to literary writing, musical practice or the performing arts.
    • A share of teaching involving artistic practice relating either to literary writing, musical practice or the performing arts.
    • A share of teaching involving artistic practice relating either to literary writing, musical practice or the performing arts.
    • A share of teaching involving artistic practice relating either to literary writing, musical practice or the performing arts.

    Within the portal, students will be able to reorient themselves towards the major of their choice after validation of the first semester or 12 credits of the first year in the chosen discipline.

    Preliminary results

    Paths 1 and 2 are distinguished from semester 5 onwards. The opening UEs allow students to continue the study of disciplines covered within the portal the previous year.

    The opening UEs allow students to continue the study of disciplines covered within the portal the previous year.

    The opening UEs allow students to continue the study of disciplines covered within the portal the previous year.

    The L3 Performing Arts comprises 3 pathways:

    • course 1 : Theories and practices of cinema and audiovisual.
    • course 2 : Education à l'image : professionalizing practices. (This course is not yet in place, it will open at a later date).
    • Course 3 : Performing Arts.

    The types of teaching are :

    • the lecture
    • the methodological course
    • the directed work
    • (actor training workshops, writing for the stage, directing, stagecraft and stage management workshops)diation, creation of thematic works, workshops on cinematographic techniques, filming, film editing) in the form of groups formed
    • intervention in festivals
    • the accompaniment of internships in professional environments
    • the personalised follow-up of the student's professional project, (Projet Personnel Professionnalisant, known as PPP)

    The overall aim of the Performing Arts degree is to provide training that combines theory, practice and knowledge of the professional environment in the arts of stage, film and audiovisual production: a reflection on the art (the stage, the text, the actor, the image, the documentary, etc.) coupled with an involvement in the art, taking into account the reality of this field.

    Critical thinking, responsibility and the notion of a project are at the heart of this degree, whose main objective is to master the theoretical and practical knowledge concerning the performing arts in order to know how to articulate them in the construction of a professional project.

    In film, the knowledge concerns the history of filmic forms, the strategies of analysis of cinematographic and audiovisual objects and the experimentation of production practices (script writing, filming, editing) with the aim of implementing a professionalization project in connection with film and/or audiovisual.

    For studies in the field of film, the 1st and 2nd years of the DEUST correspond to a L1/L2 with a more important practical and professionalizing dimension (see DEUST training offer).


    Know the fundamental knowledge and methods in Performing Arts (knowledge of the history of cinema and of the theme, analysis of works, general artistic culture, methods of viewing and listening).

    • Know the techniques, technologies and procedures that allow for an experience of filmic realisation.
    • Know the institutional, administrative and associative organisation of the performing arts (social law, image law, knowledge of the professional environment).
    • Be interested in a collaborative project.
    • Argument a project or a practice.
    • Express oneself orally in a convincing manner.

    L3 course 3 Performing Arts

    The course Arts de la scène is aimed at students and/or professionals wishing to acquire or consolidate skills;The course is intended for students and/or professionals who wish to acquire or consolidate cross-disciplinary skills in the themes and practices of the performing arts, and who wish to build a professional project:

    • theories of the performing arts: mastery of the main themes in aesthetics, art study and history, humanities, as well as reactive know-how.
    • practices of the performing arts: practicing the fundamentals of acting, directing, scenery, rhetoric, mediation, training, writing and dramaturgy, didactics of acting training.
    • professionalization: specialization in a field of the theme through a specific course of study (targeted workshop, internship and tutoring (150h.), Professional Personal Project (100h) : stage management, stagecraft, scenography, mediation, training, dramatic writing.
    • competences : to master reactive and oral practice; to use the major references in art history and particularly in theology; to handle theoretical tools in aesthetics, theology and the humanities;The student must be able to: - master the practice of a specific theme; - know the professional field of the theme and how to apply it; - build an artistic project and finalise it; - master a modern language.

    For internships, the establishment of the internship agreement is ensured with the support of the UFR administration via the IPRO platform

    This platform allows students to access and apply for internship and job offers, to follow their applications, to request authorization for an internship from their academic supervisor and to complete their internship agreement.

    The tutored projects enable students to work in conditions close to those of a company, with support from the course teachers.

    For the L3, the internship is compulsory.


    The student has a regular teacher, the Director of Studies. They benefit from regular and individualised follow-up, supported by courses on the methodology of university work adapted to their discipline.

    The homecoming days allow the student to get to know the department, the services of the University, the optional courses, to visit the University Library, to get to know the Common Documentation Service (SCD).

    The Practice training, compulsory for L1, is a discovery of the Digital Working Environment ENT, of the AMETICE pedagogical platform, of the institutional mail (

    For students entering the course after authorisation from the P&E Commission, a refresher course may be offered (in certain cases, substitution of a French language UE for a Foreign Modern Language for example).

    The course is offered in the form of a course of study in French.

    Special arrangements for the mention, e.g. tutoring.


    Progressive orientation in licence 1 or entry into licence 2 within the framework of the portals or according to a procedure proposed by the directions of studies and the Pedagogical Commission. The multi-disciplinary nature of Licence 1 and the options available in Licence 2 encourage progressive orientation (conservation of credits and most grades).

    The programme is designed for students who have already completed their first year of study.


    The objective is to accompany the student in the construction of his/her orientation. It is a question of providing general information and methodological content for searching for information in order to enable the student to enrich his or her orientation perspectives and to gradually develop his or her choices. It is also a question of providing students with preparation for integration: knowledge of the socio-professional environment specific to the course, initiation into the tools of integration and the search for internships.


    Erasmus bilateral agreement (in semester 3)

    • Spain, University of Malaga
    • Spain, Autonomous University of Barcelona
    • Italy, University of Florence, Arts Department

    CREPUQ bilateral agreement (in semester 3)

    • Canada, Universitébec UQAM à Montréal (Canada)
    • Canada, Université de Montréal, Department of Cinematography
    • Canada, Université de Chicoutimi, département des arts et lettres


Champ 1

Arts de la scène

Champ 1

Théories et pratiques du cinéma et de l'audiovisuel