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Licence Histoire

Illustration Histoire
  • Département Histoire
  • Formation initiale - continue
  • Aix-en-Provence Schuman

Information aux futurs étudiants de la Licence d'Histoire

À la rentrée 2024 (sous réserve de validation de la nouvelle accréditation), la Licence d'Histoire se structure autour de 4 parcours :

  • Parcours 1 : Histoire, cultures et représentations

  • Parcours 2 : Histoire, territoires et économies

  • Parcours 3 : Histoire, la Méditerranée et le monde

  • Parcours 4 : Histoire, pouvoirs et sociétés

Régimes d’inscription :
Licence d'Histoire : formation initiale, formation continue, formation sur site (Aix-en-Provence, campus Schuman) et à distance (SFAD)

Candidatures pour un accès en L1 : sur Parcoursup
Candidatures pour un accès en L2 et L3 : sur eCandidat

Présentations de rentrée

  • AIMS

    The primary objective of the history degree is to train historians, but it also aims to transmit skills that are likely to prepare students for the practice of a profession in various fields and to provide a culture that promotes personal development; The aim is to provide a culture that promotes personal development and civic engagement.

    The specificity of the Licence d'histoire à Aix-Marseille is to emphasize a diversity of geographical areas : the Mediterranean first of all, but also the Arab, African and Asian worlds. This Licence also offers a French-German orientation, as part of the binational Aix-Tübingen curriculum.

    The licence offers an opening towards other disciplines : in the first year, the student chooses between three portals (« Histoire-Géographie », « Histoire, Sociologie, Anthropologie, Géography, Archaeology, History, History of Art) which are the opportunity to cover other disciplines. From the second year onwards, the student chooses between four courses according to his or her tastes and perspectives: Reinforced History; History-Documentation-Media; History-Geography; History-Languages-Civilisations.

    The Bachelor's degree opens the door to a wide range of disciplines.

    The Bachelor's degree leads to a master's degree (« research » or « professional ») solidly implanted with the local actors of culture, teaching and research (à through the Maison Méditerran&e;enne des Sciences de l'Homme).


    All students in their first orientation after the Baccalaureate or in reorientation, showing a real interest for this discipline, curiosity and a willingness to learn; A sufficient command of French language skills is required.


    The « History » degree is associated, in L1, à the « History of art-archéology » degree in the « Archéology-History-History of art » portal. In the first semester, the division of the UE is parity : students will follow two fundamental UE in « History » and two fundamental UE in « Art-History-archéology A language course and a course on the methodology of university work organised by the student's discipline.

    In semester 2, a specialization is proposed to students. In addition to the language course and the course on the methodology of university work, they will choose between two options: either two fundamental courses in their discipline of registration and two in the other; or three courses in their discipline of registration and one in the other. The logic of the portal is maintained, as well as the possibilities of reorientation at the end of the first year, but a progressive specialisation is also possible.

    The Bachelor s degree & the Master 


    The History degree is also associated with the Management-Graphics degree within the History-Graphics portal in L1.

    In the first semester, teaching is parity: students will follow 40% of their teaching in each of the two disciplines of the portal (40% + 40%), as well as a language UE (10%) and a Méthodology of academic work UE (10%) in the discipline of registration.

    The licence &laqua

    The licence « Histoire » is finally associated à the licence « Géographie et Aménagement » the licence « Sociologie » and à the licence « Sciences de l'homme, Anthropologie et Ethnologie » within the portal « Sciences de l'Homme et de la Socié (SHS) ».

    In the first semester, the teaching is common to the mentions of the portal. A teaching of methodology of academic work, organised by each of the four disciplines involved, is offered in both semesters of L1 (10%), as well as a teaching of modern languages (10%). Within the framework of the SHS portal, each of the four disciplines involved will offer a disciplinary teaching UE (i.e. 4×20% of the total = 80%).

    In semester 1, the teaching UE will be offered in the two semesters of L1 (10%), as well as a modern language teaching UE (10%).

    In semester 2, 40% of the teaching (2 UE) will be obligatory in the discipline of registration, 20% (1UE) will be chosen in one of the three other disciplines of the portal. The last 20% (1 UE) will be at choice: either in the discipline of registration (= disciplinary reinforcement), or in one of the three other disciplines of the portal.

    The last 20% (1 UE) will be at choice: either in the discipline of registration (= disciplinary reinforcement), or in one of the three other disciplines of the portal.

    Within the portal, students will be able to choose the field of their choice after validation of the first semester or the first year. In the latter case, they must have validated at least 12 credits in the chosen discipline. In the second year, these students in reorientation will have to follow a semester 2 UE of the new mention in place of the opening UE.

    The specialisation of the new mention is the same as that of the first one.

    The specialisation in the mention is carried out progressively, from the second semester. In the second year, a course of study on the professional project and career planning helps the student to refine his or her project; a cross-disciplinary course of study trains students in digital and information skills. A modern language is compulsory in each semester of the degree.

    The degree is offered in English, French and German.

    The teaching is done in presence but the teachers use abundantly the digital platform AMETICE whether it is for regular communication with the students or for putting documents online (exercises, answers, course contents).

    In this teaching, we will endeavour to increase the place of the project-based teaching with the triple objective of favouring the acquisition of autonomy, promoting learning through research and thus strengthening the links between research and teaching, favouring by the same token the pursuit of studies towards the master's degree.

    As for the modalities of evaluation, while remaining different according to the UE – which allows to contribute to the pedagogical freedom but also to take into account the different capacities and expectations of the students;They tend towards a reinforcement of the part played by continuous monitoring, which makes it possible to better follow the evolution and the needs of the students, and possibly to set up a different pedagogy.

    In addition, students can follow the entirety of the licence at a distance (with limited choices of UE) through the Service de la Formation À Distance (SFAD) within which a deep reflection is conducted in order to increase interactivity between teachers and students.

    The degree is offered in initial and continuing education.

    The trainees of continuous training benefit from specific transversal modules proposed by the component and which relate in particular to the link with the socio-economic world;These modules include links with the socioeconomic world, professionalization, documentary research, the use of resources available at the university, the development of knowledge and skills, and the development of the project.

    The hourly volume of the degree is 1500 hours, i.e. 500 hours maximum per year

    The teaching of modern languages for non-specialists of languages (LANSAD) represents 18 ECTS over the 3 years, i.e. 180 hours. Each student's progress in a foreign language is prepared within the framework of a partnership between the degree and the LANSAD offer of the ALLSH UFR's foreign language departments.

    A complementary course of study is offered to students who are not language specialists.

    Additional language teaching is provided within the History-Languages-Civilisations course.


    The Bachelor's degree in history provides access to a historical general culture that covers all four periods of history;This is the first time in history that the four periods of history (ancient, medieval, modern and contemporary) have been studied in their entirety. While a majority of courses focus on the European area, non-Western cultures are also amply represented (Mediterranean, Arab and Muslim world, African world, Asian world). The historical discipline is studied in the diversity of its aspects: political, religious, cultural, economic and social history; study of techniques, artistic and ideological currents, study of gender. Similarly, all documentary materials are presented: written, visual, archival, and oral sources.

    The course is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the history of the genre.

    Parallel to this, the licence is an introduction to the profession of historian and an awareness of the issues, methods and struggles relating to the construction of historical knowledge.

    Finally, the degree is an apprenticeship in academic methods which involve numerous skills: mastery of the written word, oral work, critical analysis of documents, argumentation, document commentaries, dissertation etc.


    The Bachelor of History allows the development of different skills:

    1- Analytical and synthesising skills; the student learns how to analyse and synthesise information in a way that is relevant to his or her field of study

    • Gather and analyse information from different sources;
    • Analyse complex situations by multiplying points of view ;
    • Mobilise knowledge to identify and solve a problem;
    • Propose new solutions;
    • Gather and synthesise relevant information;

    2- Reasoning and writing skills:

    • Development of a mastery of rhetoric and argumentative discourse useful in different subjects, competitions and examinations
    • Development of the ability to change argumentative ideas
    • Ability to construct (oral as well as written) an argumentative discourse;

    3- Ability to work independently and in groups

    The very nature of university education is to seek to encourage the student's autonomy without neglecting his or her ability to work collectively, which implies:

    • The ability to pursue studies by oneself and for oneself and thus to develop one's skills throughout one's life;
    • The taste for inquiry and intellectual curiosity;
    • The ability to organize one's own work;
    • The ability to work in a team;

    For non-compulsory internships, the establishment of the internship agreement is ensured with the support of the UFR administration via the ipro platform

    This platform allows students to access and apply for internship and job offers, to follow up on their applications, to request authorization for an internship from their academic supervisor and to complete their internship agreement.

    The tutorial projects

    The tutored projects allow students to work in conditions close to those of a company, with support from the teachers of the course.


    In addition to the courses, which are designed to provide the necessary methodological help in a growing difficulty, some specific devices are set up to help the students: dedicated staff for each year of the Licence, an online communication tool (Ametice), tutors.


    Progressive orientation in licence 1 or entry into licence 2 within the framework of the portals or according to a procedure proposed by the directions of studies and the Pedagogical Commission. The multi-disciplinary nature of Licence 1 and the options available in Licence 2 encourage progressive orientation (conservation of credits and most grades).

    The programme is designed for students who wish to pursue a career in the field of education.


    In the 2nd year, all students follow a course on "Orientation, professional and digital project" to be guided in their orientation. In addition, the courses constitute prefigurations of an orientation and contain UEs that anticipate a specific competitive examination.

    The courses are designed to help the students to find their way in the world.


    In addition to compulsory language teaching for all and reinforced within the framework of the History-Languages-Civilisations course, the concern to internationalise the training is based on three pillars:

    • The Franco-German Licence dégrue;es in History (TübAix) associates the history departments of AMU and the Karl-Eberhardt University of Tübingen (Germany). Students from Aix-Marseille and Tübingen who follow this programme spend half of their studies in the partner university. At the end of their studies, they obtain a double Bachelor's degree (Bachelor of History/Bachelor of Arts), which offers them international opportunities in the fields of teaching and research, culture and heritage, media and communication, administration or diplomacy. The students are selected by a binational jury and benefit from a specific supervision.
    • Erasmus agreements are active with 25 destinations in 8 European countries, including the History Departments of the University of York, the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) à London, the Universities of Berlin and Tübingen, Prague. Numerous agreements exist with universities around the Mediterranean (Spain, Portugal, Italy, Turkey, etc.). Within the framework of international exchanges, students from the History Department can also apply for exchanges to North America and Australia.


Champ 1

Histoire, cultures et représentations

Champ 1

Histoire, territoires et économies

Champ 1

Histoire, la Méditerranée et le monde

Champ 1

Histoire, pouvoirs et sociétés