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Licence Lettres - Parcours Lettres modernes

  • Département Lettres modernes
  • Formation initiale - continue - à distance
  • Aix-en-Provence Schuman
  • AIMS

    The typical « Lettres modernes » pathway offers an enriched and renewed training in harmony with the new Master Lettres training offer. It favours the embodiment of disciplinary teachings in practices of writing, the reduction of the divide between creative writing and academic productions, the contextualisation and crossing of learning in a plurality of cultural transfers, migrations and translations.

    This course complements the existing course of study in the field of literature.

    This course complements the core curriculum in French language and literature with courses aimed at:

    • an in-depth knowledge of world literature from a comparative perspective and mastery of methods in general and comparative literature,
    • and

    Within the typical course « Lettres modernes », the progressive spécialisation and personalisation of the course allow à the student to adapt his/her training à their centres of interest and their professional project by means of options (or axes) which will prepare them for further study and direct them towards certain fields of study:

    • Area 1 Fields of teaching and research in the humanities: orientation towards the fields of teaching and research in French and comparative literature and French language and linguistics. The options from semester 3 onwards allow the student to refine the orientation, by choice, towards:
      • secondary education, higher education and research (preparation for teaching competitions and research),
      • and
      • Primary education (professorat des écoles – in partnership with other branches of the ALLSH component and the Ecole Supérieure du Professorat et de l'Education [ESPE])
      • or French as a foreign language [FLE] and the didactics of FLE.
    • Area 2 Book areas: covering the worlds of publishing, bookshops and libraries. This option combines specific disciplinary training (contemporary literature, sociology of reading and publishing) with professional experience through an internship.
    • Axis 3 Letters, Languages and Human Sciences : orientation towards a pluridisciplinarityé letters/human sciences and the interculturalité This specialisation combines a disciplinary training with a focus on the teaching of languages and literature in contact (variations in the French language and its relationship with other languages, French literature in a global perspective, and the use of the French language as a medium of communication);In addition, the student will be able to choose a free option for each semester of the 2nd and 3rd years.
    • Continuation of studies:
      • Master Lettres (3 courses : Research Écritures Discourse  Book World  Literature and Psychoanalysis)
      • master Translation and Interpretation
      • master MEEF (Professorat des écoles et Enseignement du 2nd degré – Lettres
      • master Sciences du langage (en particulier FLE)
      • other research masters in letters or complementary training (school of journalism, communication...).
    • Towards the preparation of competitive examinations :
      • professorate of education
      • CAPES de Lettres option Modernes, Documentaliste, PLP2
      • agrégation de Lettres modernes
      • Territorial and State Librarian competitions
      • Other administrative competitions of the civil service (all category A and B competitions).
    • Professional diplomas:
      • research and primary, secondary and higher education
      • métiers of research and documentation
      • métiers of books and publishing
      • métiers of culture and communication
      • métiers of heritage, tourism and cultural médiation
      • métiers de l'administration dans la fonction publique territoriale et fonction publique d'État (tout concours de catégorie A et B) et le secteur privé
      • any managerial position involving reactive, oral and relational skills.


    In licence:

    Allowed to enrol in a licence are candidates who hold a baccalaureate or a DAEU.

    Holders of another diploma:


    Intended for reading and writing, for reflection and exchange on literature and the French language. At AMU, it is advisable to choose the Modern Letters course prerequisite offered in the 2nd semester of the 1st year of the portal.


    The Bachelor of Arts offers 3 typical courses, sharing a common core of fundamental disciplinary knowledge :

    • in-depth knowledge of literature in its diversity; genres, periods and spaces, themes... – and the main critical approaches to the literary fact,

    • practical and theoretical knowledge of methods of analysis of texts, works and discourses,

    • knowledge of the French language in the diversity of its uses.

    Each typical course also develops specific objectives and competences:

    • The typical pathway « Classics »
    • The typical course « Lettres modernes »
    • The typical « Writing »

    The introduction to research is part of the progressive specialisation of the training in modern literature and the preparation for further study after the licence. In the third year, students are made more aware of the tools and problems of current research in French and comparative literature and in French language and linguistics.


    The Bachelor of Arts offers a high level of training articulating, through its various specializations:

    general and specialised disciplinary knowledge:

    • in French and Francophone literature,
    • in general and comparative literature,
    • in French language and linguistics

      methodological skills: explanation and analysis of texts, analytical tools in literature and linguistics, dissertation and argumentation, documentary research, writing critical and creative essays, translation of texts,

      • and cross-cutting skills : foreign language and computer science.


    • Knowledge of French literature from the origins to the present day
    • Knowledge of general and comparative literature from different linguistic and cultural areas
    • Knowledge of the French language from its origins to the present day through competence in linguistics and discourse analysis
    • Relational skills: mastery of oral and written expression
    • Maîtrise détrangère living language
    • Modological skills: text analysis, linguistic analysis, essay and argument, synthesis, creative and personal writing, documentary research

    Internships in the 3rd year according to the chosen option: initiation into the professional culture of the book industry, or the teaching industry (UE Pro-Meef).

    Any student can also do an optional internship and contact the Director of Studies to validate an internship agreement.


    The training offers varied teaching methods and is open to innovative devices. The common core courses, combining common courses and group courses, and the speciality courses encourage different types of articulation between theory and practice, both written and oral.

    The course is designed to be a learning experience for all students.



    • 131G Littérature appliquée à la documentation, communication, lettres et enseignement (fr)
    • 131D Littérature et philosophie (fr)
    • 131B Sémiotique de la littérature (fr)

    Modern Letters :

    • research and primary, secondary and higher education
    • méthirds of research and documentation
    • the book and publishing sector
    • métiers of heritage, tourism and cultural médiation
    • administrative positions in the local and state civil service (all A and B category competitions) and the private sector
    • any management position involving reactive, oral and relational skills


    The student has a regular teacher, the Director of Studies. They benefit from regular and individualised follow-up, supported by courses on the methodology of university work adapted to their discipline.

    The homecoming days allow the student to present the course, the services of the University, the optional courses, visit the University Library, present the Common Documentation Service (SCD).

    The Practice training, compulsory for L1, is a discovery of the Digital Working Environment ENT, of the AMETICE pedagogical platform, of the institutional mail (

    For students entering the course after authorisation from the P&E Commission, a refresher course may be offered (in certain cases, substitution of a French language UE for a Foreign Modern Language for example).

    The course is offered in the form of a course of study in French.

    Product-specific arrangements, e.g. tutoring.


    Progressive orientation in licence 1 or entry into licence 2 within the framework of the portals or according to a procedure proposed by the directions of studies and the Pedagogical Commission. The multi-disciplinary nature of Licence 1 and the options available in Licence 2 encourage progressive orientation (conservation of credits and most grades).

    The programme is designed for students who have already completed their first year of study.


    In the second year, students follow a course of study on orientation, professional and digital projects. This is a compulsory course each semester (2 x 3 weeks), which is taught by professionals. The objective is to accompany the student in the construction of his/her orientation. It is a question of providing general information and methodological content for seeking information in order to enable the student to enrich his or her career prospects and to gradually develop his or her choices. It is also a question of providing students with preparation for integration: knowledge of the socio-professional environment specific to the course, introduction to the tools of integration and the search for work placements. For students who are destined for teaching in the first degree, the ESPE offers options known as UE Pro MEEF: UE for professionalization in the fields of teaching and training. A sensitisation UE is proposed in licence 2 and two UEs to deepen the coverage of the field in licence 3. For the 1st degree, teacher training courses are organised within the licence mentions. In addition to these pro MEEF courses, there is training in mathematics, science and French. These courses are coupled with 24-hour observation periods in a professional environment and allow for active orientation of students.


    Compulsory modern language teaching, from the 1st to the 3rd year:

    A rich offer of modern languages at the University of Aix-Marseille, accessible at all levels of education.

    A very rich offer in modern languages at the University of Aix-Marseille, accessible at the beginning or continuing level (except in the 3rd year), provided by the LANSAD in the UFR ALLSH.

    Exchange programmes

    Letters students are strongly encouraged to go abroad during their studies. The Bachelor of Arts degree also attracts many foreign students on exchange programmes.

    To accompany the projects of séjour &eagrave; létranger and the reception of étudiants internationaux :

    • in the training departments: an international relations manager, and a team of tutor teachers

    • in the UFR ALLSH : the joint service of International Relations

    More than 40 active agreements with institutions in Europe (Erasmus+) and outside Europe, open to all students of the Bachelor of Arts Others are particularly associated:

    • with the Scripture-type course: Algeria, Denmark, Scotland

    • to the Classics type course: universities of Thessaloniki, Turin, Lecce, Venice, Hamburg